Saturday, July 17, 2010

Would you save my soul tonight?

Week 2 down ; 6 papers down and 2 more to go.

Can you believe how fast time flew? Wow. But then again, I can't help but keep thinking about how I did this semester. I feel like I didn't do well at all, like really bad. It's been one of my toughest semester ever. I want to say I did my best, but was my best actually my best and was it good enough? Not at all. Even the thought of it gives me a massive headache and sends me right down to the pit. I can't move pass this thought... Sigh~

Anyway, the next 2 papers are major. Like major, Major with a capital M.
But I have lots planned for my whole month of semester break.
Hence, agenda for this week till thursday : Study like my life depends on these papers (geez, if only i had this agenda at the begining of the exams!).

adios amigos


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